
I'm passionate about sharing truthful, honest and transparent insights about my experience. There are no hard and fast rules about what I write, but largely they fall under the areas of business, entrepreneurship, self-development and money.

Public build log and thoughts on building in public

Creating social proof, that is demonstrating practical expertise and know how, is an essential ingredient to success, particualry in the days when the façade of pure-breed managers is under pressure.…

Organisations don’t change behavior, people do.

Companies often struggle to adapt and embrace new strategies and tools. I believe that this struggle is only going to accelerate in the coming years with the hyper-growth of ai and ai-powered tools, assistants and the like. But no doubt change can be disruptive for both business and teams.…

Thoughts on innovation

Most of us understand the importance of innovation in driving growth and maintaining a competitive edge. But, it's easy to get too comfortable and stick to what's always worked.…

⛵️Like a sailing boat

Think of a company like a sailing boat. This simple analogy keeps business management easy and simple to understand.…

Thoughts on time ownership in today's world.

No doubt this is the objective of many people, and of course for most people ironically almost it takes time to get to the point in which you own your own time.…

Some thoughts on my journey in the financial markets

After sinking nearly 3 years of time and energy into the wrong places, identifying that my approach to investing is wrong. Find out why I have quietly quit the trading scene and how I'm investing now.…

Three principles for empowering your team

Since September 2020, I have been a senior manager and shareholder in a creative consultancy and I wanted to take some time to reflect upon my journey to management, taking a deep dive into one of the most difficult yet essential aspects of better management and that’s empowering your team.…


Mastery by Robert Greene is probably one of the most unique self-help style books I've picked up in a while. It centers around detailed mini-biographies of historic and present day masters such as Darwin, Da Vinci, Paul Graham and more. But what I really liked is that these mini-biographies deeply…