My top productivity apps for 2021

Here are the four apps that I’ve been loving in 2021 and have found to make my content consumption more meaningful. Especially for students, creatives and entrepreneurial types, having dedicated tools and systems in place to organize different content.…

My Top 5 "No Code" Tools of 2020

As creating things on the internet becomes more accessible we’re no longer limited to the handful of engineers that can code. This has and will continue to result in huge growth, and increased competition, of tools, business and ideas from all kinds of people.…

My Biggest Learning from Ray Dalio's Principles

Whilst this specific idea of Dalio’s and his other principles might not be the easiest to implement, finding ways to apply them in a more practical way, can provide a good starting point and perspective to most people’s work and life.…

Using Automation to Boost Productivity in the Workplace

Anything from getting reminders to drink water every hour via Telegram, to hand washing reminders when I’m close by my apartment. But during the last week I stumbled across an awesome Podcast over on Indie Hackers.…

Unique Productivity Apps for Creative Focus

As you may or may not know, I regularly post productivity tips and tools on my blog and YouTube channel. So I thought it would be fitting to share with you my most recent article all about my current favorite apps in my ‘productivity stack’.…